BondClub Tool Features
Easily load your Fixed Rate RSA Retail Savings Bond holdings to mirror those held at National Treasury.
Bond Rates are automatically determined based on Investment Date and Term

Bond Rates will be determined based on the investment date and term of the bond being inputted.
My Bonds Information
As you load your bonds, a comprehensive list of all bonds is created and overall portfolio metrics are shown.

Detailed Portfolio Analysis
The detailed portfolio analysis provides aggregated portfolio measures such as capital, yield and life for each bond type and for the total portfolio. Detailed interest return measures are also shown by bond types held.

Portfolio Cash Flow Analysis
A detailed report and chart of past and future Cash Flows for all active bonds in the portfolio is shown. Total, Interest and Principal Cash Flows are provided by payment date.

Overall Portfolio Dashboard
The Portfolio Dashboard summarises all the above features into a single view. These include: Capital, Yield and Life Measures, Portfolio Yield Curve, Pending Cash Flows in coming months and Filters for bonds with particular current properties.